Monday, May 5, 2008

Again, it's long overdue, I know!!!

Over the last few months I have gained a whole new respect for many of the mothers I know...the ones who have children and keep their blogspots up-to-date! Ladies, you know who you are, how do you do it?!?!

Well, I just have a quick minute to update you all on Mazzi's progress in the USA. She is doing so wonderfully! She is growing like a weed, almost 24 pounds and 31.5" inches which puts her in the 95% percentile for height! She is walking all over the place...anywhere she wants to go really and lately she's been trying to run, walk backwards and does this little sidestepping's too cute!

A few of her favorite tricks:

- She shakes her head "no" when told "no" and sometimes "yes" although it's not as much fun.

- She will blink her eyes if you tell her to blick and repeat, repeat if you laugh at her!

- She can show you where her belly is.

- If her dad says, "It's up, it's good, touchdown" she will raise her arms up in the air.

- Screaming just for fun is really hilarious, at least to her.

She really has become quite a little show-off who will mock anything her dad does lately and she is really into giving big kisses when you ask for them! And, she loves to be outside...doing just about anything, bringing her inside is getting harder and harder. All in all, she is a super sweet, funny yet quite demanding (she might be a little spoiled) little girl!

As for Baby #2, all is well with the pregnancy. It's been quite uneventful and easy to this point. I'm about 22-23 weeks along and you can definetely tell it! We had a sonogram a couple of weeks ago but have decided not to find out the sex...Jit thinks it's the last exciting thing that will ever happen to us! I think he's a little dramatic but I'm happy we've decided to wait.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the pics...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Mazzi is such a cutie. Thanks for sharing the update and I look forward to reading more updates in the future.