Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Although it seemed strange...

Although it seemed strange to do it, I decided it was time to update the title of our blog. Bringing Mazzi Home no longer seemed appropriate since, well, she's here and since we now have another daughter to share the blog with!
As most of you know by now on September 2, 2008 at 1:17pm, Miley West Roberts, entered the world at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria. She was a big one at 9 lbs, 2oz and 20.75 inches. She also has this head of dark hair that is a mystery to us since we were certainly expecting a bald, blonde headed baby!
Thinking about that hospital and labor experience sure makes me wonder about the place Mazzi was born and the experience her birthmother had. Just one of those things that we may never have a chance to know more about and thinking about the stories that Mazzi will never hear puts such a pit in my stomach. Although I know that some people feel we should leave the past in the past, I hope that someday we will be able to "fill-in the blanks" for Mazzi by having an opportunity to talk to her birthmother. It may never be possible but if given the chance I hope that I can be strong enough to take Mazzi back to Guatemala and help her to find the answers she needs.

I must be feeling sentimental today because I also got to thinking about the fact that my feelings for Mazzi and Miley are no different. They are both our daughters - both special, both sweet, both the most important thing in the world to their dad and I. I just can't express enough to anyone out there who is trying to have a child without success...please adopt! You will never regret it and once you see your baby's face you will never look back and never doubt your decision!

I will attempt to post some pics in the next few days because I know many of you are waiting for them. I know our posts are few and far between but we hope you will keep reading and watching our girlS grown!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

First of all, congratulations! I've thought many times about emailing you, but wasn't sure you had much computer time these days.

I can't wait to see pictures of Miley and new pictures of Mazzi.

I'd also like to throw in my 2 cents about adoption. From a mom who didn't have problems with fertility I really never thought about adoption as an option for growing our family until about 3 years ago. Many people felt that our decision to adopt was not wise. After all, why would someone in their mid 40's with 3 grown children start all over again? Some still feel we didn't make the right decision, but we know otherwise. Adding Lili to our family has been one of the most amazing experiences of our lives. I agree that it will be difficult and in some cases impossible to fill in the blanks for parts of her life before coming home to us. We love her no differently than we love our bio children and can't imagine her not being part of our family. It doesn't matter that she didn't come to us biologically, she is our daughter no matter what. After all, being a parent is a responsibility that we should all accept by choice, not merely by biology. It is also a choice that should not be made lightly.

I will never regret our decision to adopt. Not only did adoption give us a beautiful daughter, but it has given me a new view of the world in which we live and I'm a better person as a result of this experience.

All of this is to say that I hope anyone who wants to grow their family will seriously consider adoption as an option.