Thursday, October 4, 2007

Just a few more tidbits from today...

Well, Mazzi is asleep again, not for the night...I don't think but just a late evening nap. She likes to nap! She was so much fun today. We just had a ball! Played and laughed...and yes, she loves her Dad! She knows already that I'm the one who feeds, wipes her nose, changes her pants and he's the one who gets to have the fun. We, moms, get the raw end of the deal!

Couple tidbits from today.

First, the closet lady was here today! My mom may be the only one that understands that! Yes, I caught her and bought some things. She is a woman who sets up shop her in the hotel on Thursdays and sells traditional Guatemalan hand-made items. I bought a blanket, 6 placemats, a little cosmetic type bag, a beaded bracelet and a shirt for Mazzi when she is older for $65. It was a wonderful deal and I'm so glad I get to bring home something this time. Also, I think I forgot to say that the airport is done now...the remodel is complete and it is much nicer!! Lovely actually! But, all the Guatemalan cute gift shops that we found the first time have been replaced with high-class duty-free shops selling expensive perfume, purses and liquor. Same stuff as every other airport...nothing authentic...I'm so mad...why would they do that!?!?!?

Second, a woman very pleasantly introduced herself to us today. She is from Florida, had just arrived and was waiting for 6 month old baby to arrive. She said she had been in PGN for 8 weeks. We said about 12 (yes, that's how long it has been). Then her attorney arrived and I hear her almost screaming. I knew what that meant. I went to the hall to find her and sure enough she's crying and screams, "I'm out of PGN as of today!" I hugged her and congratulated her but I really just wanted to scream. I am so jealous and almost was angry with her. I could have just cried myself. This process is unfair and unpredictible. Just makes me angry but I'm really trying to take back those thoughts...I was very unpleasant for a moment! Then all evening at supper (she was eating a couple tables away) she was telling others of her good fortune today. I almost couldn't keep my food down!

Well, that's all for now...going to get ready for bed. It' s nearly 8 in Guatemala and parents need their rest! Love yas!

PS...if we don't have any news from PGN tomorrow you may hear us crying all the way in Illinois!!!


Anonymous said...

I think about you two often and you are in my prayers tonight. Have a safe trip home.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you two are having such a great time with your daughter! Your call will come soon! Sheila

Anonymous said...

It sounds like everything is going good with our litte Mazzi. I'll keep on praying for all of you and enjoy your daughter! She IS a doll!

Love you, Auntie

Anonymous said...

Jit and Kik,
Stay encouraged and focused,you have to be on the down side now. Its got to be getting "close" now. Your much better off today,than what you were 1yr ago.
It is time Mazzi comes home,we all are so excited for you,I am ready to meet our #2 grandchild!!!
Everyone at home is wishing all the best for you and that your return trip to Guatemala,will be SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.